Friday, December 12, 2008



“Unconscious evolution ends with man. Man is the last product of unconscious evolution. With man, conscious evolution begins (only in those who choose to begin).” “Only in aloneness, enlightenment can be attained.”
Only a Master like Osho can utter such words. It requires courage to be alone. Meditation means living non-linguistically. It’s pointed out that mind has an automatic ability to verbalize anything & everything. And the first requirement towards a meditative mind is to be aware about it and to be able to stop verbalizing every experience. Consciousness and existence are beyond the language.

“Spiritual learning can not come from words but from the gaps.” Osho’s teaching is to help us see the gaps to understand that ‘life energy’ is one, it is neutral. It can be sexual. It can be spiritual. Then it makes profound sense for us in not creating a dichotomy for or against sex and sees it as simply biological energy force. Time and again, Osho’s emphasis is on transcending it and not in suppressing it. In order to do that, one has to move into it with awareness, witness it…and witnessing liberates!

Explaining “Kundalini”, he states that ordinarily, energy moves from centre towards periphery, where as in Kundalini it moves from the periphery towards the centre. Ordinarily, sex is the only non-verbal natural experience we are aware of. Osho guides us into another- Meditation. Becoming aware, practicing mindfulness, using breathing as the door to the mind instead of using thought opens newer dimensions.

In his commentary on the “Dreams”, he de-mystifies one of the greatest esoteric realms known to man. While explaining the intricacies of seven types of dreams and seven types of realities- kind of penetrating one another, he invites man to feel the body from within as the first step in the journey of transcendence. Fighting with desire creates ‘desire’ against desires. Osho’s emphasis is on meditation and not on knowledge as he believes that ‘the knowing mind’ is a hindrance. A stuffed mind is bound to remain ignorant. Truth is revealed the moment knowledge ceases. The essence is that life is always from the unknown towards the unknown.

“Sat-Chit-Anand” or “Existence-Consciousness-Bliss” is the pointer towards the boundary beyond which there is only divine silence. Experiencing of the divine is explained through the 3 windows of “truth”, “goodness”, and “beauty” he elaborates upon the 3 dimensions belonging to the human mind- the intellectual (truth), the emotional (beauty) and action (goodness or karma)- the eternal wisdom of “Satyam-Shivam-Sundram”. The master puts lot of importance into the process of “Right questioning” and asks not to ask certain questions- the theoretical, philosophical & metaphysical questions- come into the said category as they solve less and confuse more.

You can not grow unless you grow totally seems to be the master’s message to his disciples on the path of journey.
Dr. Amit Ghatalia
( 9869453148 )

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